Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild & Scenic

Welcome! In March 2019, after a 12 year community effort involving many hours of work, the Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook received a National Wild & Scenic Rivers designation. Residents of the nine Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook towns celebrated the designation of the two watercourses at a ceremony on the Flower Bridge over the Farmington River in Simsbury. We are delighted that 61.7 miles of these special streams are now protected as Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers under the federal Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. 

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act was enacted as a way to protect and preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers are a subset of these designated rivers in which communities protect their own outstanding rivers and river-related resources through collaboration with local governments, watershed groups, the National Park Service and other stakeholder groups.  




A journey downstream along the lower Farmington River corridor reveals a remarkable array of natural, recreational, and cultural features.

JUST PERFECT MIST (Photo by Tom Cameron)

Painting, above, by Bill Simpson, Artist/Fly Fisherman, wmsimpson.com